ASTRA Evangelista

The Glamorous Model of Midgar, Turned Voice of the People. Co-Owner of The Gaia Tribune - The Planet's #1 newspaper for integrity, honor, and truth.

About Astra

The model who stunned the people of Midgar - and then became the people's voices to be heard, to help a friend achieve their dreams.


The people Astra knows personally - platonically, romantically, or professionally

OOC Rules & Info

Rules and other ooc information to know before interacting

behind the glamour there is a voice that clamours to be heard

Astra Evangelista
Femme Nonbinary, uses both they/them, and she/her pronouns but prefers they/them but will not get upset either way unless maliciously done.
That's something they keep close to their chest.
Formerly a full-time model in Midgar, appearing on magazine covers, spreads, and advertisements throughout Midgar, oftentimes being hired by Shinra itself. She has also starred in some major films throughout her career, though typically took on secondary roles to focus more on her modeling, though she admits they enjoy acting quite a bit and the possibility of taking on larger roles, should her time allow it - might be in the cards. However her priorities mainly lie with co-owning and writing articles for The Gaia Tribune newspaper alongside long time friend Nath - helping him to realize his dreams of being a writer and being a voice of change. While they do still take on modeling jobs that particularly pique their interest and have considered some acting jobs - they would only take them if they were sure they could juggle both the job, and the paper. Admittedly, they are a hard worker - oftentimes working on weekends and late nights - so balancing multiple lifestyles is far from hard for her.
Face Claim
Emma Corrin
Elizabeth Debecki

History and Background

Born in the upperplates of Midgar in Sector 8 - Astra Evangelista was born to a decently wealthy - yet surprisingly liberal family. Though she had much of her childhood and young adulthood handed to her, her parents made sure to instill her that she was as lucky as she was - that below the plates, lied poverty, pain, and suffering with every gift and opportunity they afforded her.When she was sixteen, she began a modeling career - but her parents words still rang in her ear as she began to make a name for herself and earn a living for herself. She couldn't shake the idea that there were those living with next to nothing beneath the luxury of the upper plates she had lived and grown up on. She began to take dancing lessons in order to better help with her modeling, learning to better use her body to pose, and began to take on small secondary leading roles in movies - the most famous of which they are known for is The Great Fitzgerald, a film set in the early 20s when Shinra first began to prosper and a booming revolution had begun across Midgar. Their role being that of Jordan Baker, a young flapper who is the gossip of the town - and while Astra takes their job as reporter and co-owner of the Tribune seriously and does not publish idle gossip - they do find the foreshadowing vaguely ironic.After a modeling gig at the age of eighteen, she came across Nathachien and Natharia Keninia, brother and sister - both who lived in the Slums of Midgar and had hopes of one day bringing to light the horrors that Shinra allowed to transpire to the people who could not live within the luxury of the upper plates. Their words inspired her, and the three became fast friends - deciding that they would find a way to create a newspaper that would tell the real truth to the masses, free of Shinra control. Unfortunately, both Nath and his sister went missing shortly thereafter, and while her dreams of their paper was briefly crushed, she began to use her modeling shoots as a means to show support to the people of the Slums, slipping in symbols and phrases that would go unnoticed by the higher echelon but that would be recognized by those who lived beneath the plates down in the Slums, and began to siphon some of her earnings to organizations to help those in need. One such organization being Avalanche, though at the time she was unaware of the full extent of their actions - simply and naively viewing them as an organization dedicated to helping the people of Midgar.Six years later, after the events of Meteorfall, after the horrific events of Geostigma - she was called to the New Shinra Inc building to be asked to model for a new campaign for a planned Shinra employment program to help boost jobs. It was at this time, much to her shock - she was reunited with Nath, now working at Shinra for reasons unknown to her - though was saddened to hear that Natharia had gone missing years ago.Before attending her meeting with President Rufus Shinra and his wife, Eve Crescent to discuss the details of her modeling shoot, she asked him if, despite the fact that Shinra was not the monstrous beast they as teenagers sought to defeat with their pens as their swords - if he still wished to make a paper for the people, a newspaper that would bring a voice to the unheard. He laughed at such a question, telling her that just a day prior Eve Crescent herself had told him to just do it already - even if it was just some papers stapled together. With his confirmation that their dreams still aligned, Astra pledged to Nath that they would start the paper they had long dreamed of.True to the wife of Rufus Shinra's words - the two's initial paper was more akin to a newsletter they painstakingly put dozens upon dozens of copies together, stapling the two to three pages together before going to the Slums to hand them out. Astra had used some of the money she had from modeling to buy them a small office to work out of - but knew despite being one of the most in demand models even despite the turmoil over the past few years, they would need a better source of funding to truly make the paper Nath dreamed of. She had of course, accepted Shinra's offer of being the model for their employment program which had put her into contact with not just Rufus Shinra - but his wife Eve Crescent.And it just so happened that on a day they were handing out their newsletters, Eve herself came across them after one of her personal patrols to cull monsters to protect the public. Taking their 'paper' in hand, she scoffed stating that while the words written were golden - if they were to ever truly to reach the people they desired, and to give them a voice in the populice - they would need far more than some papers stapled together by hand - pulling out her PHS and scheduling them both for a meeting with herself and Rufus to discuss funding a potential newspaper, before telling them the date and time with a wave and disappearing.Despite Nath's nerves and misgivings, Astra dragged him to the New Shinra Inc building to the meeting as planned - where Rufus Shinra and his wife awaited them. Allowing Astra to take the lead, (as Eve's notorious and well known temperament and fury frightens Nath to this day), they negotiated a deal in which Rufus would fund their newspaper - dubbed The Gaia Tribune -with as much gil as needed to put out monthly papers and to hire a proper staff, proper printing presses and offices, and to only have a five percent stake in the returns, with their contract stipulating that by no means would he use his position to influence the paper, it's stories, articles or any such written material in the newspaper to benefit himself or the New Shinra Inc - a clause Eve herself insisted upon and Rufus willingly agreed - stating he had no desire for propaganda but that he had hopes that the work he was doing for the Planet would speak for itself, and if he were to make a mistake - he would be held accountable to avoid the disasters that befell Gaia the years prior. Should this clause be broken - he would open himself up to be sued and held liable for damages - to which his wife replied, "I think he knows I'd kill him first before he even thought of making such a stupid decision."With funding now secured, their dreams were now a reality. They moved to a new, bigger office with proper printing presses and a staff dedicated to putting out The Gaia Tribune - a paper for the people of the Planet. Though she devotes most of her time in the running of the Tribune, including writing many of it's articles alongside Nath - Astra does occasionally take on modeling jobs throughout Midgar still, admitting that while she doesn't particularly enjoy a glamourous lifestyle at all, nor does she lead one - she enjoys the creativity of the photoshoots that she is now able to pick and choose from. Despite this, her loyalties and priorities towards the Gaia Tribune and Nath will always come first - and despite having achieved their dream of their long sought after newspaper that would tell the truth to the people- she knew deep down Nath was still disturbed and on the look-out for his missing sister, a matter Astra has been personally looking into on her own time without telling him - not entirely sure he would want her delving into such a personal matter despite his sister being her dear friend as well - but also knowing that he would worry for her safety.Despite this, as of yet - the Tribune has been a success and no ill will or harm has come their way, though The Midgar Eye - the last remaining tabloid rag of in Gaia often enjoys antagonizing the Tribune, of which Astra has little to no patience for - often times simply dismissing them as mere idiots or otherwise giving them a lashing of her wit.


Nathachien Keninia (Nath)
Her best friend, confidante, & co-owner of The Gaia Tribune. It was Nath and their sister that gave Astra the realization they could change Midgar and Gaia with their words. Though initially she though Nath to be a bit of a reckless fool, she later came to appreciate all that they were willing to risk for their dream of a newspaper that would give the power to the people. A dream later realized with The Gaia Tribune, even if that dream came years later. When he and Natharia disappeared 6 years ago, she was devastated, feeling as though she had lost actual family - having come to view them both as surrogate siblings, but vowed to continue what they taught her and to try and make a difference anyway they could. Reunited now, she trusts him with his life, though she is the first to admit that between the two of them - Nath is more likely to be the one tied up in trouble than her. Together, they run The Gaia Tribune, often times Astra ensuring Nath keeps his eyes on his dream and doesn't slack off - her modeling career serving as a basis for her strictness. Despite this, the two rarely if ever squabble - Nath being used too Astra's stern, yet kind encouragement to stay on task.

Natharia Keninia
Nath's beloved sister, to whom he was deeply devoted too. Natharia became Astra's friend as well - despite Astra's plateside upbringing, Natharia taking them under her wing so to speak, seeing potential and a spark of rebellion in the young model's eyes - and truly believed Astra wanted to do good and not simply live the idle good life of the upper class of Midgar, Astra coming to view Natharia as a big sister of her own as well. When both she and Nath disappeared six years ago, they were heartbroken, but vowed to still try and make a difference with the ways Natharia taught her, and with the recklessness Nath taught her. While reunited with Nath and running the Gaia Tribune together now, Natharia still remains missing to this day - a fact that greatly disturbs Astra and while they have yet to admit it to Nath, they have been secretly looking into her disappearance on their own time to find out what may have happened.

Eve Crescent, Rufus Shinra, Estella Shinra
The financers behind The Gaia Tribune and their previously hidden young daughter - to whom they gave the Gaia Tribune exclusive rights to reveal her presence to the world. While Astra does not speak much with Rufus, she has changed her opinion on the man since her younger years, and considers him a decent man and father. At the same time she maintains a pleasant friendship with Eve, the two getting along quite well to the surprise of both Nath and Rufus - Eve being notorious for her furious temper. However Eve respects that Astra does not treat any differently then a normal citizen, and appreciates the normalcy of their conversations. Astra met their daughter Estella when she interviewed Eve for the Tribune's featured article in August, and though only meeting her briefly - found the little girl adorable.

art by nadochan

OOC & Other Info/Rules

Hiya! I'm known as Selphie/Kate/The Duke, but you can call me pretty much anything, most people call me Kate or what character I roleplay the most with them as.
I'm 28, and have been roleplaying for about 18 years now (got my start on neopets shhhh!!!!)
I roleplay in a variety of versus, mainly FFXIV, FFVII, and Star Wars but I have muses for FFIX, MHA, Kingdom Hearts - I just... really like making ocs tbh.
But you're here for Final Fantasy VII! Obviously!
The Gaia Tribune
Obviously Astra is one of the co-owners of The Gaia Tribune and you are free to DM me on Astra, Nath {Admin Vil} or the Tribune account to be featured in that months paper. Both myself and the other admin do our hardest to remain impartial and unbiased with the articles we write, and we ask permission from all roleplayers involved in a story. While some ic-pushback is okay, please do not use the paper as a means of attacking either of us OOCly, or Astra and Nath icly without arranging for a SL for that to happen beforehand. It is not fair to us for writing what you've requested us to write only for you to turn the tables on us to attack us without prior given warning. The news can be decisive! But we simply ask for basic respect and if you wish for an article that will cause ic turmoil or drama that may involve the paper and its writers, that you discuss it with us prior so we can decide if we wish to partake in it.
Some quick rules and a rundown summary:
-Astra is femme nonbinary, and prefer they/them but will not get mad if she/her is used unless done maliciously in which case she will gut punch you. So really - either pronouns work, as long as you're not being an asshole.
-I will not roleplay anything illegal, pedophiliac, incest, rape, dubcon, etc.
-I am OC friendly and open to any canon or OC ships provided they do not fall under the above categories.
-I do not expect everyone to adhere to my personal canon for my character - however I do ask that if you willingly choose to roleplay with my character, that you respect their canon, their backstory, etc. I do the same for those I roleplay with - and I expect the same respect. I do not mind if you find my OC's backstory not to your tastes, that is totally fine - but then simply do not initiate roleplay only to ignore their basic canon and backstory. It is extremely rude.
-I will not write with minor writers period. Please be at least 18+ preferably 20+. This is no offense to you, I was once a kid roleplaying too and I get it. But I prefer my adult spaces, and please respect that.
-I am in a relatioship in real life, please do not mix ic with ooc, I will discontinue any roleplay and potentially block you if you attempt to interfere with my relationship.